Useful Resources from Green Growth
Green Growth have a variety of video and written case studies of what local companies have done to reduce their impact on the environment and reduce their costs.
To help companies understand what practical things they can do to reduce their environmental impact they have developed a Green Business Pledge, this has over 50 different actions an organisation can take to make a positive change, ranging from the very simple through to those which may require a little more thinking. Organisations can choose to make the profiles public to promote their commitment and organisations as diverse as Parish churches to law firms have made pledges.
To help organisations keep up to date with their environmental issues Green Growth produce a fortnightly e-bulletin, Green Intelligence which sends tailored information to their inbox.
If organisations are particularly interested in employing people from disadvantaged backgrounds then this paper by HMG and Business in the Community is a good step by step guide on actions which can be taken.
More widely if companies are looking for support to develop their competencies across their operations then Green Growth should be able to help them through the Business Growth Hub services.