Our goals


The vision of the Salford Social Value Alliance is that Salford will be a Social Value City. We will work towards a cultural shift in Salford where an integral part of how we do business is consideration of: happiness; well-being; health; inclusion; empowerment; growth; and environment.


Our mission is to look for relevant social, environmental and economic value from everything that we do, in our business, in service delivery, commissioning and procurement; and we aim to use the purchasing power of the ‘Salford pound’ to obtain the greatest benefit for local citizens.


The Salford Social Value Alliance’s aim is to create a social movement that encourages Salford citizens and organisations to connect with, reconnect with, or value their pre-existing drive to make a difference.

The Alliance uses its collective membership and associated networks to encourage and aid behaviours and practices in keeping with Social Value.


We will be guided by the following 6 principles to ensure that we secure the Social Value priority outcomes for the City of Salford;

  • optimising the social, environmental and economic well-being of Salford and its people in everything that we do
  • thinking long-term – turning investment into long-lasting outcomes
  • working together across sectors to provide Social Value outcomes
  • having values including inclusion, openness, honesty, social responsibility and caring for others
  • having a clear and current understanding of how Social Value can make Salford a better place
  • working together to measure, evaluate and understand Social Value, as well as reporting publicly to the people of Salford about the Social Value that we create

Each year the Social Value Alliance publishes their Objectives and an Action Plan to help make their Vision a reality.

See the Objectives and the Action Plan for 2016-2017