Update from Social Value Alliance Meeting held on 11th September
On 11th September members of the Social Value Alliance were invited to attend one of our regular meetings. We hold these meetings 3 times each year and its a great way to bring the Social Value Alliance together to explore ways in which we can use social value to bring benefit to the people who live and work in Salford. Thanks to University of Salford for providing us with a free venue at the New Adelphi Building .
We had a great turnout with representation from a variety of organisations keen to explore our social value theme which this time focused on how we can
“increase the use of parks and open spaces in Salford”.
As with all of our themes for the SVA meetings the topic of discussion was one of 11 outcomes we hope to achieve with the 10% Better Campaign
To help us with our discussions we welcomed input from guests speakers from University of Salford, Forviva, RHS Bridgewater, Park Run, Incredible Education and Friends of Peel Park. Each one provided positive examples of how their work has benefited Salford and contributed to the 10% Better Campaign by providing projects and activity to encourage communities to use our parks and open spaces.
Councillor Derek Antrobus also attended and was extremely supportive of the campaign whilst providing a useful insight into the role of the Salford City Council in relation to this particular theme.
Together with other guest speakers these contributions informed the discussion which followed as we explored how we can encourage others to help us achieve our aim.
Feedback from the day has resulted in some excellent ideas which will be taken forward by a small “task and finish” group. Huge thanks to all who contributed to the discussion, we will be sharing their stories and developments from the task and finish group here on the website in the coming weeks, so please do keep a look out if you want to know more.
The Next Social Value Alliance meeting will be on 4th December and the theme will focus on the local supply chain and how we can encourage more purchasing from Salford Companies.