Social value in new development – introductory guide
This guide is designed to help development teams, local authorities and other key stakeholders understand social value in relation to the built environment, and what they can do, working together, to improve the societal outcomes from new development.
GBC’s ambition is for the concept of social value to help make the case for better building, and so improve the sustainability of the built environment in the UK.
Specifically, this guide is intended to:
• Bring greater consistency to the definition of high-quality development, in particular how it can drive positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for local people
• Ensure that local authorities and developers are more aligned on their expectations of the social value of new development projects
• Empower local authorities to be more demanding in terms of the social value outcomes they expect from new development projects, and how they expect these to be measured
• Enable more sustainable developers to outperform their competitors using social value outcomes as a key differentiator