Salford Clinical Commissioning Group delivering Social Value
Salford CCG published their Social Value Strategy in 2019 covering the period 2019-2021. This strategy set the challenge to make the business of commissioning health and care service more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. Salford CCG hopes that over time this commitment will lead to:
- improved long term financial sustainability for the people and organisations within Salford;
- a better physical environment, with reduced pollution (tackling climate change at a local level); and
- a healthier, well connected and more resilient community with greater trust in the health and care system.
In 2020 the CCG commissioned the connectives to write their first Social Value Impact Report. The report was collated with information from robust stakeholder analysis and utilised a range of engagement processes speaking to individuals and organisations who effect or are affected by the activities of Salford CCG, and ensuring that a range of voices from across the Salford communities were heard and their opinions reflected in the report.
These are some of the highlights, but you can read the full report here.