Impact Management Programme
New Philanthropy Capital and a group of partners have recently launched the Impact Management Programme
This programme aims to build the capacity of charities and social enterprises to manage their impact, with a focus on helping you increase your social impact and diversify your income. This exciting new programme will be co-designed by the sector to ensure it is user-friendly and reflects your needs. It will include training, grant-funding, peer to peer support and expert advice.
The Social Audit Network believes that Social Accounting and Audit is one of the best ways to embed and manage social impact into the operation of your organisation. Our Key Aspects Checklist allows the regular audit of aspects of an organisation’s approach to social impact, being based in operational tasks which will by their very nature help you generate more social impact and be more likely to describe your social value in a commissioning situation. The Social Accounting process allows the regular collection of relevant impact management information and its systematic and robust reporting. Social Audit provides the independent verification which is vital to ‘prove’ the reliability of your reported impact.
Social Accounting and Audit is a proven methodology of over 20 years’ standing which will enable your organisation to Prove, Improve and Account for your social impact. Further information can be found at
SAN would strongly urge you to join one of the 6 roadshow events being run by SVUK, SEUK and NPC. See for more information. We will be taking an active part in the co-design process and hope to be able to provide you with support for your social accounting and audit journey through this programme. The programme will provide training, support and grant funding and you can register for this at
For public sector colleagues, this will be a way to build capacity in your social sector supply chain, so please do forward to your networks.
For further information please contact SAN at