Greater Manchester Social Value Network Conference
Due to high demand for the first conference GMSVN is re-running the conference with the same workshops and presentations.
(People who came to the first conference should not come to this one).
The Greater Manchester Social Value Network Conference will:
- Give an overview of developments in strategy, policy and practice in “Social Value” in Greater Manchester.
- Showcase examples of good practice and be a forum for discussion and learning.
- Facilitate networking with other people interested in social value approaches in Greater Manchester.
The event is free to attend (all with an interest in social value welcome).
Drinks and biscuits will be provided.
There will be 3 workshops repeated in workshop sessions 1 and 2 on:
- Emerging Trends in Social Accounting – Fran Healey: Researcher from Manchester University
- Maximising Social Value through Procurement and Business Engagement – Tom Wilde – Trafford Housing Trust
- Creating a Legacy, Greater Manchester Talent Match – Marie Graham – GMCVO
Participants will be able to attend 2 of the three workshops. Workshops will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Fuller descriptions of the workshops will be provided before the event.
Conference Agenda
9.30 Registration and refreshments
10.00 Opening Session
- Introduction to the work of Greater Manchester Social Value Network – Matthew Jackson, CLES
- Overview of developments in strategy, policy and practice in “Social Value” in Greater Manchester – Anne Lythgoe – Salford Council
- Discussion
- Presentation from Manchester University on their overall approach to maximising social value- Professor Ken McPhail, Manchester University (awaiting confirmation)
11.10 Workshop Session 1
11.50 Workshop Session 2
12.30 End
GMSVN thanks Manchester Business School and Greater Manchester Talent Match for their generous support in providing the venue and refreshments for this conference.
The purpose of Greater Manchester Social Value Network is:
‘to encourage organisations in every sector to seek relevant social, environmental and economic value from everything they do, including service delivery, commissioning and procurement. Social value considers more than just the financial transaction and includes: happiness; wellbeing; health; inclusion; empowerment; poverty; environment.”
GMSVN achieves this through:
- collecting information, evidence and examples of Social Value from across Greater Manchester
- supporting organisations across all sectors to deliver more effective Social Value policy, practice and outcomes
- influencing a range of individuals and organisations across GM to adopt the principles and practices of Social Value