Increasing local economic benefits and the number of quality employment opportunities, reducing poverty for local citizens
What does this mean?
The past decade has seen Salford emerge as one of the fastest growing places in the north of England, in both economic and population terms. However, Salford still has high levels of poverty and inequality, narrowing the life chances of many people. The challenge is therefore to ensure that Salford residents and employers are better able to capitalise on the city’s economic vitality and growth.
Our priorities are:
- More employers paying the Living Wage Foundation ‘Real Living Wage’
- More Salford people who are in employment, education and training
- More purchasing from Salford based companies
What can you do?
Employers can choose to pay the real Living Wage on a voluntary basis and can become accredited by the Living Wage Foundation. The real living wage is set annually and is based on detailed research of what households need in order to have a minimum acceptable standard of living. The rate is announced in October/November each year, for implementation within six months
Employers can also consider adopting Living Hours and Living Pensions.
There are a variety of ways in which employers can help to connect more Salford young people and adults into jobs, education and training:
Advertise vacancies through Salford recruitment channelsand local recruitment services.
Hold or participate in a local jobs and / or Salford recruitment event.
Adopt inclusive and fair recruitment practices.
Use recruitment methods that are appropriate to the role and the candidate, such as adaptable methods of communication and interview.
Become a Disability Confidant advocate.
Provide a work experience or placement opportunity(all ages).
Recruit an apprentice
Work with schools and colleges by giving talks about your sector and journey, speaking to staff about how the curriculum links to the world of work, interview support or mentoring.
Become a Schools Enterprise Advisor.
Sign up to the Salford City Mayor’s Employment Standards Charter
Think about how, where and who you spend your money with can have a positive impact on our local businesses and organisations. Employers can consider increasing spend with local Salford-based companies through their day to day activities as well as more formal supply chain and procurement activity.