Social Value Alliance Event 11th September

Theme: The Environment – making more use of parks and open spaces

If you are already an SVA member you will be aware of the 10% Better campaign and how we invite organisations to use social value to make a 10% improvement across 11 social, environmental and economic outcomes for the benefit of Salford and its people, tackling poverty and inequality in our city.

This is one of 3 events we run each year  that aims to bring the Social Value Alliance together to share good practise and look at how we can  use social value to improve the lives of people who live and work in Salford.

We invite our members to come along to this event to hear about the progress of the Social Value Alliance’s 10% Better Campaign and to hear from speakers from a variety of organisations in Salford who will share positive stories about the work they are doing relating to our theme of:

The Environment – making use of parks and open spaces.

Following this we will be looking at the best way of driving our campaign so we can encourage others to make a difference and increase the use of parks and open spaces in Salford.

We look forward to seeing you there .

Venue : The New Adelphi Building Salford University

Please note this event is open to members of the Social Value Alliance but we do welcome  newcomers who want to find out more about Social Value in Salford. If you are not a member but are interested in coming along please contact us via the Social Value Alliance website

11th September 2018. Starting at 10am and ending at 12pm.
New Adelphi Building, University Road, Salford, UK.